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Production and Service Operations Management - Production and Service Operations Management - Group D1

Participation Prerequisites


Course Content

Part I: Introduction

1. Process view and productivity

Part II: Process Execution and Improvement

2. Process organizations
3. The impact of variability on process performance
4. Critical chain project management
5. Scheduling
6. Quality management
7. Lean management

Part III: Process Planning and Optimization

8. Inventory management
9. Inventory management under risk
10. Closed-loop supply chain and returns policies

Part IV: Industrial Excellence

11. Strategy Activation in Organizations
12. Operational Excellence in Practice


  • Process analysis and optimization
  • Project management
  • Queuing theory
  • Deterministic and stochastic inventory models
  • Scheduling
  • Lot sizing models

Intended Learning Outcomes and Competencies

This course provides an introduction to Production and Service Operations Management. Overall, we adopt a process view. The main objective of this course is to provide students with the basic background on how to effectively analyse, manage, and improve processes of manufacturing and service firms.

Form of Examination

Weekly Moodle Quizzes (30%), Exam (70%)


Cachon and Terwiesch (2023): Operations Management. 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, ISBN 978-1260484632 (required textbook)

Next events

Lecture Mo, 28.10.2024 08:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr IP-C-001 Family Business Auditorium Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture Tu, 05.11.2024 08:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr IP-C-001 Family Business Auditorium Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture Mo, 11.11.2024 08:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr IP-C-101 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture We, 20.11.2024 11:30 Uhr 15:15 Uhr G-003 Prof. Horst Albach Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture Tu, 26.11.2024 08:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr K-001 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture Mo, 02.12.2024 08:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr IP-C-001 Family Business Auditorium Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Show all events


lecturer image
Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier
lecturer image
Yordan Sölter
Additional coordinator
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Johanna Bender
Additional coordinator

Indicative Student Workload

Self-Study 64 h
Contact Time 24 h
Examination 2 h