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Psychological Diagnostics

Participation Prerequisites

Introduction to Business Psychology

Personality and Cognitive Psychology


Course Content

The course provides an introduction to the field of psychological diagnostics. In the first, more theoretical part, the course covers the background of psychological tests. This includes aims, scopes and a short history of such tests. The central concepts of norms, reliability, validity, fairness, bias, and test development are presented and discussed. In the second, more practical part of the course, test examples from diverse areas, especially for assessing a person’s cognitive and personality features, will be introduced and discussed.

Intended Learning Outcomes and Competencies

After completing this module, students will have acquired technical terms, the subject matter of the primary field, knowledge of theory, and possible applications.

The students will know different methodological approaches of the primary subject and can critically classify, evaluate, and assess their scope; they can evaluate and practically apply standardized psychometric measurement instruments.

Students will have practiced applying psychological testing, differential psychology, and psychological diagnostics and understood its relevance to business psychology. Reflective skills, creativity, and ethical thinking were enhanced in the process of examining personality concepts.

Students acquire in-depth knowledge of various test possibilities in psychological research. A particular focus is placed on the application fields of business. Students can relate their understanding of phases of psychological tests to the context of other branches of research in business psychology, recognize connections, and thus systematically build competence in dealing with complex issues of diagnostics and business.

Instruction Type

Given the breadth of the topics to be covered and the limited time available, the course will mainly consist of lectures by the instructor. In between, we will have some exercises and discussion rounds. In the second part of the course, groups of students will present and discuss specific tests.

Form of Examination

There will be 3 types of assessment (for a total of 100 points = 100%): 1. Individual reflection paper (25%, max. 25 points); 2. Group work and presentation in class (25%, max. 25 points); and 3. Final exam (50%, max. 50 points).


Hogan, T. P. (2019). Psychological Testing: A Practical Introduction (4 ed.): Wiley.

Next events

Lecture Tu, 19.11.2024 08:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr D-101 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture Tu, 19.11.2024 15:30 Uhr 18:45 Uhr C-101 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture We, 20.11.2024 08:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr D-101 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture We, 04.12.2024 08:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr E-103 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture We, 04.12.2024 15:30 Uhr 18:45 Uhr E-103 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture Th, 05.12.2024 08:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr D-101 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
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Prof. Dr. Rüdiger F. Pohl

Indicative Student Workload

Self-Study 64 h
Contact Time 24 h
Examination 2 h