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Negotiation Strategies and Skills

Participation Prerequisites





Please note that the module ‘Negotiations for Managers and Entrepreneurs’ is closely related to this module. Therefore, students are not allowed to take both courses.



Course Content

Negotiation is the art and science of securing agreements between two or more interdependent parties who seek to maximize their outcomes. It is a key leadership skill. While leaders need analytical skills to develop optimal solutions, they also need negotiation skills to win acceptance and implementation of these solutions.


We negotiate often, but many of us know very little about the strategy and psychology of effective negotiations. In this module, students will have the opportunity to evaluate their existing approach to negotiations, learn new strategies, and learn how to apply these strategies to the wide variety of negotiations they will encounter across their career. The module is designed for students in all managerial and entrepreneurial careers.



The module has six major parts, adding more complexity as we proceed in the module:


(1)   Single-Issue, Two-Party Negotiations


(2)   Multiple Issues, Two-Party Negotiations


(3)   Multi-Party Negotiations


(4)  Agency and Ethics in Negotiations


(5)   Conflict Resolution


(6)  Cross-Cultural Negotiations

Intended Learning Outcomes and Competencies

(1)    Gain a broad intellectual understanding of central concepts in negotiations to understand the structure and dynamics of negotiations in different contexts

(2)   Learn to develop strategic plans and improve ability to lead the negotiation process to formulate and execute win-win agreements

(3)   Handle complexities, such as dealing with multiple issues, parties, principal-agent relationships, and ethical dilemmas in negotiations

(4)   Build confidence in negotiation skills by understanding one’s own and the other parties’ strengths, weaknesses, and biases

(5)   Learn how to resolve conflicts effectively and create value out of them

(6)   Negotiate effectively across cultural boundaries

Instruction Type


Form of Examination

Grades in this module will be based on the following three components:


a)    Class Contribution (18%)

b)    Team Presentation (40%)

c)     Self-Assessment and Reflection Paper (42%)


·       R. Lewicki, D. M. Saunders, B. Barry. Essentials of Negotiation (6th or later Editions).


·       R. Fisher & W. Ury, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, New York, NY: Penguin Books.


·       J.K. Sebanaus, The Hidden Challenge of Cross-Border Negotiations, Harvard Business Review, 80(3), 76-85.

Next events

Lecture Fr, 06.09.2024 13:45 Uhr 19:00 Uhr K-001 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall / K-201 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-202 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-203 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-203/05 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-204 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-205 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-207 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-210 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-211 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-212 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-213 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-301 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-302 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-303 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-303/05 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-304 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-305 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room
Lecture Fr, 13.09.2024 13:45 Uhr 19:00 Uhr K-101 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall / K-201 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-202 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-203 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-203/05 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-204 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-205 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-207 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-210 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-211 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-212 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-213 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-301 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-302 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-303 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-303/05 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-304 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-305 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room
Lecture Fr, 20.09.2024 13:45 Uhr 19:00 Uhr K-101 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall / K-201 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-202 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-203 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-203/05 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-204 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-205 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-207 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-210 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-211 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-212 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-213 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-301 Seminarraum / Break Out Room
Lecture We, 25.09.2024 13:45 Uhr 19:00 Uhr E-103 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall / E-204 kein Fenster / No Window Paul's Corner / Seminarraum / Study Room / E-209 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / E-210 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / E-212 Wand / Wall / Kein Fenster / No Window Seminarraum / Break Out Room / E-212/14 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / E-213 kein Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / E-214 Wand-Kein Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / E-216 Wand / Wall / kein Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / E-216/18 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / E-218 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / E-310/11 Besprechungszimmer / Conference Room / E-311 Wand / Wall / Besprechungszimmer / Conference Room / K-201 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-202 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-203 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-203/05 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-204 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-205 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-207 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-210 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-211 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-212 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-213 Seminarraum / Break Out Room
Lecture Tu, 01.10.2024 13:45 Uhr 19:00 Uhr K-001 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall / K-201 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-202 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-203 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-203/05 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-204 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-205 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-207 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-210 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-211 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-212 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-213 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-301 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-302 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-303 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-303/05 Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-304 ohne Fenster / No Window / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-305 Wand / Wall / Seminarraum / Break Out Room / K-307 Seminarraum / Break Out Room
Lecture Th, 10.10.2024 13:45 Uhr 19:00 Uhr K-001 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
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Prof. Dr. Ayse Karaevli Yurtoglu
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Susen Schilo-Schäfer
Additional coordinator

Indicative Student Workload

Self-Study 84 h
Contact Time 48 h
Examination 48 h