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Mathematics I - Mathematics I, Group D 1

Participation Prerequisites


Course Content

The course Mathematics I consists of six sections:

  • The basic idea of differentiation
  • Applied differentiation
  • Integration
  • Functions of many variables
  • Optimization
  • Constrained optimization

Intended Learning Outcomes and Competencies

The course Mathematics I conveys the basics of calculus for application in Business, Economics, Finance, Econometrics, and other fields. Upon course completion, students can set up and analyze optimization problems with and without constraints.

Instruction Type

Präsenzstudium, E-Learning

Form of Examination



The material provided is meant to be self-contained. For additional applications and examples, you can consult the following:

Sydsæter, K., Hammond, P., Strom, A., Carvajal, A., Knut Sydsaeter, Peter Hammond: Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, 5th or 6th edition, Prentice Hall. (German editions are available; older editions are fine, too)

Next events

Lecture Th, 12.09.2024 11:30 Uhr 15:15 Uhr H-001 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture Mo, 16.09.2024 15:30 Uhr 18:45 Uhr K-101 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture Th, 19.09.2024 11:30 Uhr 15:15 Uhr H-001 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Lecture Mo, 23.09.2024 11:30 Uhr 15:15 Uhr C-102/03 Klaus Rose Auditorium
Lecture Tu, 01.10.2024 11:30 Uhr 15:15 Uhr C-102/03 Klaus Rose Auditorium
Lecture Mo, 07.10.2024 11:30 Uhr 15:15 Uhr C-102/03 Klaus Rose Auditorium
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Dr. Clemens Buchen

Indicative Student Workload

Self-Study 64 h
Contact Time 24 h
Examination 2 h