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French I - Group 2 - Französisch I - Group 2

Participation Prerequisites

Placement test at the beginning of the semester for participants with previous knowledge, or presentation of a language certificate

Course Content

French I is aimed at all students with and without previous knowledge of French. Over the course of the semester, language skills and communication skills are taught and deepened according to the level. The teaching material for the respective course is distributed in class and textbooks are recommended. 

Further details will be announced on the respective Moodle pages.

Intended Learning Outcomes and Competencies

The development and consolidation of oral and written language skills

Instruction Type

Workshop-style teaching in small groups of up to 14 participants.

Form of Examination

  • Written examination
  • Oral discussion

Details regarding the weighting of the individual examinations will be announced on the respective Moodle pages.


Materials are provided by lecturers.

Details will be announced on the respective Moodle pages of the course.


Next events

Language course Fr, 06.09.2024 09:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr C-007 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Language course Fr, 13.09.2024 09:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr C-007 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Language course Fr, 20.09.2024 09:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr C-007 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Language course Fr, 11.10.2024 09:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr C-007 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Language course Mo, 14.10.2024 09:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr L-001
Language course Fr, 18.10.2024 09:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr C-007 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Language course Mo, 28.10.2024 11:30 Uhr 13:45 Uhr L-003
Language course Fr, 15.11.2024 09:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr C-007 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Language course Mo, 25.11.2024 11:30 Uhr 13:45 Uhr L-003
Language course Fr, 29.11.2024 09:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr C-007 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
Language course Mo, 02.12.2024 11:30 Uhr 13:45 Uhr L-001
Language course Fr, 06.12.2024 09:00 Uhr 11:15 Uhr C-007 Hörsaal / Lecture Hall
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lecturer image
Diane Bélisle-Wolf

Indicative Student Workload

Self-Study 22 h
Contact Time 36 h
Examination 2 h