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Offer number Label Credits Exam type Course offer type Lecturer
BSc-EAI-450-FS25 Agile Business Model Development & Entrepreneurial Organizations 6 Module offer Prof. Dr. Dries Faems / Professor Dr. Priscilla Sarai Kraft
BSc-PSY-112-FS25 Cognitive and Developmental Psychology - Cognitive and Developmental Psychology, Q 4 3 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Rüdiger F. Pohl
BSc-MKT-433-FS25 Seminar: Sustainable Marketing: Research and Practice - Seminar: Sustainable Marketing: Research and Practice, Q 4 6 Grades Course Juniorprof. Dr. Anna-Karina Schmitz
BSc-FIN-414-FS25 Seminar: Current topics in Finance - Seminar: Current topics in Finance, Q 4 6 Grades Course Juniorprof. Dr. Simon Straumann
BSc-SCM-427-FS25 Seminar: Health Care Operations - Seminar: Health Care Operations, Q 4 6 Grades Course Juniorprof. Dr. Marjolein Elize Buisman
BSc-MGMT-451-FS25 Seminar: Case Studies in Management Accounting and Control - Seminar: Case Studies in Management Accounting and Control, Q 3 6 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Marko Reimer
BSc-ACCT-421-FS25 Seminar in Financial Accounting - Seminar in Financial Accounting, Q 4 6 Grades Course Harm Schütt
BSc-EAI-447-FS25 Seminar: Family Business and Entrepreneurship Research - Seminar: Family Business and Entrepreneurship Research, Q 4 6 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Nadine Kammerlander
BSc-EAI-441-FS25 Seminar: New Venture Creation - Seminar: New Venture Creation, Q 4 6 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Malte Brettel
BSc-GEN-303-FS25 Business Ethics - Business Ethics, Q 3 3 Grades Course Louisa Riess
BSc-GEN-318-FS25 Ethical Decision Making and Behavior - Ethical Decision Making and Behavior - Group 1, Q 3 3 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Peter-J. Jost
BSc-GEN-317-FS25 Sustainability in the Food Supply Chain - Sustainability in the Food Supply Chain, Q 3 3 Grades Course Juniorprof. Dr. Marjolein Elize Buisman
BSc-GEN-314-FS25 Sustainable Urban Transport - Sustainable Urban Transport, Q 3 3 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Arne Karsten Strauss
BSc-GEN-312-FS25 Sustainable mega sport events: Oxymoron or reality? - Sustainable mega sport events: Oxymoron or reality?, Q 3 3 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Dominik Schreyer
BSc-GEN-476-FS25 Computer Science for Business, Summer - Computer Science for Business, Quarter Summer 3 pass / fail General Studies
BSc-GEN-476-FS25 Computer Science for Business, Quarter 4 3 pass / fail General Studies
BSc-GEN-476-FS25 Computer Science for Business, Quarter 3 - Computer Science for Business, Quarter III 3 pass / fail General Studies
BSC-GEN-448-FS25 Foundations of Project Management - Foundations of Project Management - Q3 3 pass / fail General Studies Rob Copeland
BSc-EXCHGIE-400-FS25 Germany in Europe - Germany in Europe - Q3 4.5 Grades Course for Exchange Students Geoff Sammon
BSc-GEN-461-FS25 Intercultural Competence – Fit for international collaboration - Intercultural Competence – Fit for international collaboration - Q4 1 pass / fail General Studies Susanne Philippsen
BSc-GEN-443-FS25 Workshop Body Language for Women - Workshop Body Language for Women - Q4 1 pass / fail General Studies Nicole Günther
BSc-GEN-475-FS25 Kreativworkshop: Kill your Darlings - Kreativworkshop: Kill your Darlings - Q4 3 pass / fail General Studies Elmar Hermann
BSc-GEN-452-FS25 Business Communication: Theory & Practice - Business Communication: Theory & Practice - Q4 2 pass / fail General Studies Dr. MBA Steffen Löv
BSc-GEN-427-FS25 Strategic Brand Management - the applied power of soft values - Strategische Markenführung – die angewandte Stärke weicher Werte - Q4 3 pass / fail General Studies Arne Klein
BSc-MGMT-461-FS25 Strategic Management - Strategic Management (Regular Students) 3 pass / fail General Studies Prof. Dr. Bolko von Oetinger
BSc-ACCT-412-FS25 Cases in International Accounting - Cases in International Accounting, Q 4 3 Grades Course Dr. Jan Dieter Fasshauer
BSc-ACCT-402-FS25 Cases in Business Taxation - Cases in Business Taxation, Q 4 3 Grades Course Sven Westphälinger
BSc-PSY-341-FS25 Psychological Research Project - Psychological Research Project, Q 4 6 Grades Course Hannah Maria Baum / Yannick Michael Endres
BSc-SCM-481-FS25 Supply Chain Management Practice Project - Supply Chain Management Practice Project, Q 4 6 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Felix Reimann / Prof. Dr. Carl Marcus Wallenburg
BSc-MGMT-435-FS25 Negotiations for Managers and Entrepreneurs - Negotiations for Managers and Entrepreneurs, Q 4 6 Grades Course Juniorprof. Dr. Jiachun Lu
BSc-EAI-422-FS25 Managing the Family Business - Managing the Family Business, Q 3 3 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Nadine Kammerlander
BSc-ACCT-411-FS25 International Accounting - International Accounting, Q 3 3 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Martin Glaum
BSc-EAI-411-FS25 Developing Novel Business Models - Developing Novel Business Models, Q 3 3 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Dries Faems
BSc-ACCT-401-FS25 Business Taxation - Business Taxation, Q 3 3 Grades Course Juniorprof. Dr. Lisa Hillmann
BSc-MGMT-203-FS25 Organizational Behavior - Organizational Behavior, Group D 2, Q 3 3 Grades Course Dr. Lioba Gierke / Dr. Vera Schweitzer
BSc-QUANT-201-FS25 Statistics I - Statistik I, Group E, Q 3 3 Grades Course Dr. Clemens Buchen
BSc-QUANT-201-FS25 Statistics I - Statistik I, Group D 2, Q 3 3 Grades Course Dr. Clemens Buchen
BSc-QUANT-201-FS25 Statistics I - Statistik I, Group D 1, Q 3 3 Grades Course Dr. Clemens Buchen
BSc-MGMT-204-FS25 Leadership Development and Training - Leadership Development and Training, Q 4 3 Grades Course Juniorprof. Dr. Pisitta Vongswasdi
BSc-GEN-301-FS25 Psychology - Psychology, Group E, Q 3 3 Grades Course Juniorprof. Dr. Pisitta Vongswasdi
BSc-GEN-301-FS25 Psychology - Psychology, Group D 2, Q 3 3 Grades Course Juniorprof. Dr. Pisitta Vongswasdi
BSc-GEN-301-FS25 Psychology - Psychology, Group D 1, Q 3 3 Grades Course Juniorprof. Dr. Pisitta Vongswasdi
BSc-MGMT-203-FS25 Organizational Behavior - Organizational Behavior, Group E + BBP, Q 3 3 Grades Course Dr. Lioba Gierke / Dr. Vera Schweitzer
MBA-SKWS-003-FS25 FTMBA2025/PTMBA2026 Strategy Consulting 1 0.5 Attended / Not attended Workshop Prof. Dr. Sascha Schmidt
MBA-PDWS-006-Spring25 FTMBA2025/PTMBA2026 Crisis Leadership 1 - Crisis Leadership 1 0.25 Attended / Not attended Workshop Prof. Dr. Miriam Müthel
MBA-PDWS-009-FS25 FTMBA2025/PTMBA2026 Coaching Skills for Leaders 2 0.25 Attended / Not attended Workshop Karsten Drath
BSc-MGMT-445-FS25 The CFO – Roles, career paths, and impact on firm Outcomes - The CFO – Roles, career paths, and impact on firm Outcomes, Q 3 3 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Marko Reimer
BSc-MKT-461-FS25 Omnichannel Business Marketing - Omnichannel Business Marketing, Q 3 3 Grades Course Prof. Dr. Martin Fassnacht
BSc-MGMT-203-FS25 Organizational Behavior - Organizational Behavior, Group D 1, Q 3 3 Grades Course Dr. Lioba Gierke / Dr. Vera Schweitzer
BSc-QUANT-202-FS25 Statistics II - Statistik II, Group D 1, Q 4 3 Grades Course Dr. Clemens Buchen
3 results